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Thema: SUEL, Black Metal Featuring members of Nocte Obducta Horresque Wound< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
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Total Satan


Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14878
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
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PostIcon Geschrieben: 01.12.2023, 18:49  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

bildDie deutsche Black Metal Band SUEL hat heute ihr Debut Album "Venomous Curse" über Vendetta Records veröffentlicht. Die Band besteht aus Members von Nocte Obducta, Horresque und Wound. Zur Feier des Tages könnt ihr euch das Debut direkt im Stream auf Black Metal Promotion anhören und das sollte man definitiv tun!

Hier geht es zum Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oErwtTjnlws

Einige konnten ja bereits bei der Listening Session in der Bangerstubb schon mal vorab in die Songs reinhören. Da das Material ja gut ankam, dürfte die Veröffentlichung des Albums ja für einige eine feine Sache sein.
Hier die News zur Veröffentlichung:

Stefan: This is a special day, once again, in a very special year in Music for me personally.
Today marks the release of SUEL 's Debut Album. I have been breeding over some of theses Songs for many years, unsure if things were 'good enough' or 'interesting' to listen to at all.
Luckily, I was joined by my partner in crime Christian Schettler who helped me push myself to finish working on this rather personal interpretation of Black Metal and finally come to peace with myself.
'Venomous Curse', as said above, is my take on Black Metal, it has both a bit of a 'stuck in the 90's vibe', but also has a more modern take on the genre here and there.
To see this day actually happening is freaking me out, and having found a partner in Vendetta Records makes me both anxious and proud at the same time.
The nothing but outstanding drumming was performed and recorded by my Nocte Obducta-Bandmate Malte Schmidt who gave this recording the perfect push in attitude the songs needed. I am eternally grateful!
The incredible Coverart conception and execution was done - way beyond my expectations - by my dear friend Iza Carlucci
Let's see where this path leads us...
'Venomous Curse' is out today, on Vinyl, CD, Tape and Digital here:


No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 2
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Total Satan


Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10324
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
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PostIcon Geschrieben: 05.12.2023, 17:22 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Sehr schön. Habe am Samstag schon mal 3 Stück von der blauen Vinyl bestellt!

I will rise up from the chaos
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the darkness
A master to the slaves
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1 Antworten seit 01.12.2023, 18:49 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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