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TYRANNUS zeigen “A Worse Reality” - vom 09.03.2022, 11:51

Kategorie: Musik

 Die schottischen Black/Death/Thrash Metaller Tyrannus zeigen uns jetzt mit “A Worse Reality” die erste Single aus dem kommenden "Unslayable" Album. Das Albumkonzept verbindet Existenzialismus, Lovecrafthorror und Antifaschismus.
Tyrannus veröffentlichen das Album am 22.04.22 in einer Kollaboration mit der National Lottery (größte Lottoagentur im Vereinigten Königreich) und Creative Scotland. Die Digipak Cds und die digitalen Formate kommen von der Band direkt, Vinyl und Tape erscheinen bei True Cult Records.

Sänger & Gitarrist Callum John Cant informiert:
“‘Worse Reality’ is both the first chapter and the summary of our debut album, ‘Unslayable.’ Lyrically, it states the obvious of the bleak and dark future we are now living within and our willful collective ignorance to the suffering and those the few who benefit greatly from it. Musically, it takes a lot of inspiration from Death and Carcass but mixed with a post-black metal feel. Overall, ‘Worse Reality’ serves a purpose of introducing our album ‘Unslayable’ to the world.”


“The vision we set is complete,” führt Callum John Cant fort. “‘Unslayable’ is an album which takes our eclectic influences and warps them into a conceptual story with themes of existentialism, Lovecraftian horror and antifascism. We want anyone who listens to this album to find something of themselves in it. With every fibre of our beings, we believe in the music we have made and are looking forward to finally sharing our fully realised vision with everyone.”

Track Listing:
1. A Cruel Dream
2. A Worse Reality
3. The Flood
4. It Taketh
5. Lake of the Undying
6. Unslayable
7. Light the Last Sun
8. Break the Will of Evil

Tyrannus is:
Callum John Cant – Vocals and guitars
Fraser Gordon – Guitars
Alistair Harley – Bass, synth and backing vocals
Alasdair Dunn – Drums and percussion

Album Credits:
Callum John Cant – Vocals, guitar, bass and background synth
Alasdair Dunn – Drums and percussion
Scott McLean – Analogue synth
Amaya López-Carromero (Maud the moth) – Special guest vocals on Break the Will of Evil
Alistair Harley – Gang vocals on It Taketh, Unslayable and Light the Last Sun
Nick Waller – Special guest gang vocals on It Taketh, Unslayable and Light the Last Sun

Produced by Scott McLean, Tyrannus and Caitlín Smith.
Recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered by Scott McLean at La Chunky Studios, October 2021 - January 2022.
All music and lyrics by Callum John Cant.

Cover art by CVSPE.
Tyrannus logo by Hagiophobic.

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