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STRIGOI veröffentlichen ersten neuen Song - vom 23.07.2022, 12:52

Kategorie: Musik

 STRIGOI haben den ersten neuen Song "Hollow" und das passende Video veröffentlicht, der Song stammt vom kommenden Album "Viscera" welches am 30.September über Season of Mist erscheint.

Den neuen Song könnt ihr euch HIER anhören.

STRIGOI comment: We chose HOLLOW as the first video single as it lends itself perfectly to giving the listener a broad overview of VISCERA.
It's dark, brooding yet violent cinematic qualities allude to the delightful misery contained within the new album.
A scathing commentary on human weakness, we feel HOLLOW typifies the evolution of STRIGOI, as a band and as a concept.
It was also a perfect fit for the amazing videography work of Dehn Sora, who has presented a remarkable visual interpretation of the track.

1. United in Viscera (6:44)
2. King of All Terror (2:38)
3. An Ocean of Blood (4:13)
4. Napalm Frost (2:26)
5. Hollow (6:20) [WATCH]
6. A Begotten Son (3:51)
7. Bathed in a Black Sun (4:19)
8. Byzantine Tragedy (5:28)
9. Redeemer (2:38)
10. Iron Lung (7:55)
Total: 46:32

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