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Debutalbum von Trinitas erscheint über Van Records - vom 02.08.2022, 20:25

Kategorie: Musik

 Das deutsch/schwedische Black Metal Trio von Trinitas bestehend aus Vargher (Guitars, Bass, Additional Vocals), Tormentor (Drums) und Azathoth (Necromantical Screams, Lyrics) haben bekannt gegeben, dass ihr Debutalbum „Total Heresy“ im September über Van Records erscheinen wird.

Den ersten Song Tomb of the Misanthrope könnt ihr euch HIER anhören.

Tracklist „Total Heresy“:
Tomb of the Misanthrope
Pyroclastic Crucifixion
Trinitas, by the Unholy Sign of the Three
Supernova Lucifer
Rite of the Necromancer
Dust and Shadows
A Hail to the Realm of Cernunnos
Total Heresy
Morgwyn, Burn in the Night

Additional statement:
„We are thrilled, that Vàn Records will release our debut „Total Heresy“. It's one of the best underground labels worldwide to us, if not the best. Vàn are hailing the cult of (Black) Metal of the 90s and so do we. „Total Heresy“ is our answer to nowadays „Black“ Metal - a simple Fuck Off to the pathetic debris of a once glorious scene and art. It just took us a look at the present to choose the past. Whoever expects anything „groundbreaking new“ or even any progressive shit: Stay away from Trinitas! - Azathoth/Trinitas“

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