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THRON: Besetzungswechsel an den Drums und Gitarre; Erster Gig im neuen Line up beim PSOA 2022 - vom 05.08.2022, 09:25

Kategorie: Musik

thron%202022%20in%20alter%20formation%20beim%20brain%20crusherBei den deutschen THRON ist die Position des Gitarristen und des Drummers neu besetzt worden. Den ersten gemeinsamen Auftritt im neuen Line up können wir Samstag nächster Woche auf dem Party.San Open Air auf der Zeltbühne erleben.
» THRON and CII (Drums) and SII (Guitars) parted ways. CII wants to concentrate more on his work as a well known audio engineer. He´s running the iguana studios, which is one of the top adresses for sick metal (and beyond..) productions in Europe, and furthermore he has some musical projects as well.
Same goes for SII who´s running his own company Deadline Entertainment. SBII and CII just launched a brandnew VST drumsampler with advanced and innovative technology. Go visit their page.
CII will keep on beeing our producer, stay alert for some news about that in the coming weeks.
Thank you for the great time we had together and the best of luck for your future endeavours.
So, PSOA will be the first show with our two new members J and Ravendust, hailing from Switzerland, and known from bands like Malphas, Aara, Temple, Ghörnt and more.
Give them a well deserved welcome at the PSOA tentstage on friday, 17:20!«

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