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Stillbirth, Organectomy (Neuseeland) und Gutslit (Indien) starten "Brutality Unleashed Tour 2022" - vom 17.08.2022, 06:12

Kategorie: Musik

brutality%20unleashed%20tourStillbirth (Germany), Organectomy (New Zealand) und Gutslit (India) brechen am 19. August auf zur "Brutality Unleashed Tour 2022". 9 Länder und 23 Städte werden mit Heavy Grooves, schmutzigem Slam und einer Menge Circle Pits bereist.

Stillbirth has been making fast and technical brutal death metal paired with a lot of groove since 1999. Stillbirth cleverly combines different genres like hardcore, grindcore, deathcore, slam, death metal and thrash metal and impresses with an energetic live performance.

Organectomy has been slamming the stages of the world since 2010 and they are now coming to Europe for the first time. When Organectomy let go of the first notes, the listener feels like being run over by a train. The New Zealanders know no mercy and play an excellent technical slam death metal.

Gutslit saw the light of day in 2007. After several European tours already, the Indians are already familiar faces to the audience. Their fast and aggressive death grind makes even the fans in the back row bob their heads.

Stillbirth: » We can't wait to be back on the road. This is our first long tour since 2019 and we are looking forward to every single one of the shows. We are also very happy to be able to go on this journey together with our good friends from Gutslit and Organectomy. See you all at the Battlefield. «

20.08.2022 - Jena - R:A:W Open Air (GER) (only Gutslit)
21.08.2022 - Leipzig - Leipzig PestEvil at Naumanns (GER)
22.08.2022 - Göttingen - JUZI
23.08.2022 - Paris - L'INTERNATIONAL (FR)
24.08.2022 - Geleen - Cafe de Meister (only Gutslit & Organectomy)
25.08.2022 Andernach - Deathfeast Open Air 2022 (GER)
26.08.2022 - Southampton - The Joiners (UK)
27.08.2022 - Bristol - Gryphon
28.08.2022 - Glasgow - Audio Glasgow (UK)
29.08.2022 - Manchester - Satans Hollow (UK)
08/30/2022 - London - New Cross In (UK)-
31.08.2022 - Oberhausen - Helvete Metal Pub (GER)
01.09.2022 - Munich - Kulturzentrum Backstage (GER)
02.09.2022 - Ljubljana - 2.9. Stillbirth, Gutslit, Organectomy - Orto Bar (SVN)
03.09.2022 - Büchold - Infernum Meets Porkcore Fistevil (GER)
04.09.2022 - Vienna - Viper Room (AUT)
05.09.2022 - Frankfurt - K16 (GER)
06.09.2022 - Hamburg - Bambi Galore (GER)
07.09.2022 - Fontaine-l'Évêque - MCP Apache (BEL)
08.09.2022 - Alkmaar - Scrapyard (NL)
09.09.2022 - Strasbourg - Molodoï Strasbourg (FR)
10.09.2022 - Hüttikon - Meh Suff! Metal-Festival 2022 (CHE)

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