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STORMRULER geben neues Album bekannt - vom 18.08.2022, 20:20

Kategorie: Musik

 Die aus St. Louis stammenden Black Metaller STORMRULER haben bekannt gegeben, dass ihr neues Album Sacred Rites & Black Magick am 14.Oktober erscheinen wird. Man darf gespannt sein, wie der Nachfolger zum fetten Debut Under A Burning Eclipse einschlagen wird.

Den neuen Song und Titeltrack "Sacred Rites & Black Magick" könnt ihr euch HIER anhören.

On October 14, 2022, the band consisting of midwestern scene stalwarts Jason Asberry (vocals/guitars/bass) and Jesse Schobel (drums/vocals) return with the aptly-entitled Sacred Rites & Black Magick – this time blistering with more unrelenting intensity while maintaining a haunting, visceral aura more ancient and foreboding than ever. Produced, mixed and mastered by Gabe Usery at Encapsulated Studios and featuring stunning artwork by Giannis Nakos of Remedy Art Design, Sacred Rites & Black Magick weaves epic tales of war, history, black magick and sorcery beyond the standard confines of black metal, birthing an unforgettable conceptual journey of legend that any metal fan would be remiss to ignore.

Today, fans can get a first taste of the album with its sharp debut single, title track "Sacred Rites & Black Magick". The track sets the supreme lyrical and musical mood of the album itself, depicting just how deftly STORMRULER conjures lucid black metal as they inject energetic, unforgettable grooves and riffs into their scorching delivery. Today's track release also arrives alongside its grim official music video.

STORMRULER says about "Sacred Rites & Black Magick":

"We chose Sacred Rites as our first offering for many reasons. We feel as if from the strike of the very first chord it gives off an apparent energy that can be felt throughout the entire album. Lyrically it encompasses the feeling of this record rather well with lyrics ripe of black magick rituals and ancient orders."

Sacred Rites & Black Magick track listing:
01. Hymns Of The Slumbering Race
02. Internal Fulmination Of The Grand Deceivers
03. Adrift Dark Halls Of Vinheim
04. To Bear The Twin Faces Of The Dragon
05. In Light Of Paleblood
06. Entranced Within The Moon Presence
07. Invocation Of The Black Sacrament
08. Sacred Rites & Black Magick
09. Oathpact
10. Ten Heralds, Ten Desolations
11. The Waters Of Iolamita
12. In The Shaded Vlasian Forest
13. Amid A Smear Of Crimson Cloud
14. Apparitions Across The Ravencrest
15. Sanguinare Vampiris
16. Upon Frozen Shores
17. Shadow Of The Golden Eagle
18. Along The Appian Way
19. By Winters Long Passed
20. A Malice Dead & Cold

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