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MORK mit neuem Video zur Vinyl EP - vom 17.09.2022, 17:19

Kategorie: Musik

 Die norwegischen Black Metaller von Mork haben eine neues Lyric Video zum Song DEN SVEVENDE FESTNING von der gerade erschienenen Vinyl EP DEN SVEVENDE FESTNING veröffentlicht.

Schaut euch das Video HIER an !

The forthcoming Den Svevende Festning vinyl EP features six tracks and over 32 minutes of raw and atmospheric Norwegian black metal, most notably containing exclusive and unreleased material recorded during the Katedralen album sessions, in the shape of the title track (also the theme for the cover image, an old drawing of Fredriksten Fortress in Eriksen’s home-town of Halden), and ‘Ormtunge’. Side A is completed by the alternate arrangement of the track ‘Født Til Å Herske’, previously only available digitally. Side B contains a selection of live tracks from Mork’s recent shows, featuring a series of tracks from the Katedralen opus.

Thomas Eriksen comments “Seems we got a tradition going by now, with an EP between each album. I can get use to that! I like the format which allows us to do something a bit different and play around with the material, with albums we obviously need to be more strict.

This time I had a couple tracks left over from the Katedralen sessions. The title track "Den Svevende Festning" was always one that I liked and was actually only cut due to the album length. It's fitting having its own EP dedicated to it. "Den Svevende Festning" is a tribute to my hometown of Halden with its majestical Fredriksten Fortress which hovers above the city in the skyline. It's powerful and a good cannonball in the face!"

A.1. Den Svevende Festning [04:47]
A.2. Ormtunge [05:43]
A.3. Fodt Til A Herske (Med Strykere) [06:30]
B.1. Arv (live) [05:54]
B.2. Det Siste Gode I Meg (live) [05:14]
B.3. Svartmalt (live) [04:19]

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