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Black Metaller SODOMISERY mit neuer Single "Delusion" vom kommenden Album 'Mazzaroth' - vom 24.07.2023, 09:08

Kategorie: Musik

sodomiseryDie Schwedischen Melodic Death Metaller SODOMISERY haben mit "Delusion" den zweiten Song des kommenden zweiten Albums "Mazzaroth" veröffentlicht. Testimony Records wird die Scheibe am 8.9.2023 in den Handel bringen.
Produziert wurde das Album der Stockholmer von Harris Sopovic bei Sopovic Antiproductions (Östhammar, Schweden) selbst. Gemixt und gemastert wurde von Ronnie Björnström bei Björnström Sound & Production (Sundsvall, Schweden). Das Artwork kommt von JRMR.

» On "Mazzaroth", SODOMISERY are underlining their loosely conceptual approach with a remarkable musical evolution. They are expanding their original sound that combines the power and precision of death metal with the frenzied and cold aggression of black metal, and they have now added a layer of dramatic depth by including keyboards. It is hardly surprising that the Swedes, who are counting DIMMU BORGIR, CRADLE OF FILTH, and CHILDREN OF BODOM among their major sources of influence, came to steer towards such a course. «

1. Coming Home
2. Psychogenic (Lyric Video: https://youtu.be/Zem5zFh9lk0)
3. Delusion
4. A Storm Without a Wind
5. Master of Your Mind
6. Mazzaroth
7. Rebuilding
8. Demon in Heaven
9. Ephemeral Requiem

Harris Sopovic - Vocals, Guitar
Teddy Möller - Guitar, Choir Vocals on "Demon in Heaven"
Viktor Eklund - Drums
Paul Viscolit - Bass

Gast: Niklas Sandin (KATATONIA, LIK) - Chor-Vocals on "Demon in Heaven"

Bandwebsite: www.facebook.com/sodomiseryofficial

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