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TEMPLE OF DREAD veröffentlichen neues Album „God Of The Godless“ / Neues Lyric-Video - vom 15.08.2024, 20:35

Kategorie: Musik

bildDie deutschen Death Metaller TEMPLE OF DREAD haben einen zweiten Song aus ihrem kommenden neuen Album „God Of The Godless“ enthüllt.

Checkt das Lyric-Video zum Song "Sacrificial Dawn" hier an:

Guitar shredder Markus Bünnemeyer comments: "Our second single 'Sacrificial Dawn' is about the Trojan War and about brave warriors who fall victim to the games and intrigues of the gods. Troy... bloody Troy. The song is deliberately kept musically very simple. It is also very groove-driven and rhythmic in places. Once again, our good friend Marc Grewe from AsInHell and formerly Morgoth is supporting us with his vocals. Marc's screams are highly unique, so it is quite remarkable that even for us it's sometimes difficult to make out whether he or Jens is singing. What a brutal dream team!"

The band's fifth full-length album will be released on October 4th 2024 via Testimony Records on CD, LP and in digital formats.

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