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DEATH METAL MONSTERS MORTA SKULD kommen mit Decrepid auf ‘EUROPE UNDONE’ TOUR im November - vom 16.08.2024, 20:15

Kategorie: Musik

bildKilltown Bookings freut sich, die endgültige Route für die kommende Tour „Europe Undone“ mit der legendären US-Death-Metal-Band MORTA SKULD und den wahnsinnigen Schlägern DECREPID aus Großbritannien bekannt zu geben.

Aside from select festival appearances in recent years at Kill-Town Death Fest, and UK and Netherlands Death Fests, appearances on European shores are extremely rare for MORTA SKULD, with this being their first ever full tour on the continent (with many countries being virgin territory for the band).

“We are extremely excited about this upcoming European tour and working with Killtown Bookings” says band founder and vocalist Dave Gregor. “Our new album, Creation Undone, is one of our finest moments and we look forward to sharing the new tracks with our fans in Europe.”

22.11 Berlin, DE - Orwohaus
23.11 Prague, CZ - 007 Club
24.11 Bonn, DE - Kult 41
25.11 Deinze, BE - Elpee
26.11 Utrecht, NL - dB's
27.11 Kassel, DE - Goldgrube
28.11 Aarhus, DK - HeadQuarters
29.11 Copenhagen, DK – Beta
30.11 London, UK – The Black Heart

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