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AD VITAM INFERNAL zeigen Titel vom kommenden Album - vom 05.09.2024, 14:31

Kategorie: Musik

bildDie französischen Brutal Deather Ad Vitam Infernal geben jetzt mit "Everyone, Everywhere" einen weiteren Einblick in das kommende "Le Ballet des Anges" Album. Das erscheint am 08.11.2024, Preorders laufen schon.

Mixed and mastered by Samuel Girard at Atheistic Dungeon.
Artwork made by Jérôme Mahé

"Ad Vitam is back to release their brand-new offering, “Le Ballet des Anges”. It’s a brutal album, blasphemous and of an unmatched precision. Each track is an ode to 90s Floridian death metal scene and promises a suffocating journey into hell that will mark you for a very long time."

Listen "Everyone, Everywhere": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_90x6dcKhHg

Buy [PHYSICAL] https://bit.ly/4goaTHx
Buy [DIGITAL] https://bit.ly/3TdYtbg

For Fans of Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel, Centurian

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