Torture Killer haben ihre neue 3 Song EP Namens "I chose death" fast fertig gestellt, einen Termin für die VÖ gibt es aber leider bisher noch nicht. Weiterhin wird auf der EP der neue Mann am Mikro Pessi Haltsonen seinen Einstand geben. Wir sind gespannt !
New 3 song EP is almost done, mixing seems to be where it needs to be and finally we are at the ballpark which weve been looking for all these years. This will also be the first appearance of our new singer, Pessi Haltsonen. Check his other band Retaliatory Measures to check his vocal range, he's a perfect fit - a human powerhouse and his vocals are crushing. The EP will also include a cover version of an old Demigod song from Unholy Domain demo, an artwork done by Mark Riddick and will carry the name "I chose death". No release date yet. More info as things move along.