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Autopsy News zum neuen Album ! - vom 01.04.2013, 07:00

Kategorie: Musik

autopsyDie Sickos von Autopsy haben ein paar kleine News zum kommenden Album "The Headless Ritual" in den Äther gestellt:

Gutwrenching greetings, gore hungry earthlings!

Autopsy is set to defile the recording studio beginning April 1st, 2013 to lay down the tracks for their upcoming album "The Headless Ritual" for Peaceville Records. The band has their instruments set on kill and their newest batch of songs ready to come to unlife in order to crawl inside your skulls, lay their foul eggs and corrupt your very souls. Fantasy Studios is the place, Adam Munoz is the conduit and your ears and brains are the destination. Cover art has been painted by none other than the legendary Joe Petagno and it's safe to say he has outdone himself with this gruesome slice of horror.

Expect nothing less than the monstrous brutality that Autopsy has been known to offer. Laurels will not be rested upon, trends will not be followed and mercy will not be shown.

Mark your calendars for June and pick out a coffin to lie down and die in. Darkness and death await.....

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