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KATAKLYSM – Schlagzeuger muss Zwangspause einlegen! - vom 13.04.2013, 06:55

Kategorie: Musik

 Max Duhamel, Schlagzeuger der kanadischen Extreme-Metaller KATAKLYSM, ist gezwungen eine Pause einzulegen. Er wird außerdem nicht am neuen KATAKLYSM Album mitwirken können.

Max hat folgendes offizielles Statement veröffentlicht:
"Hello everyone , it is with an a extremely heavy heart that I announce today that I will not be performing on the new KATAKLYSM album, I have been struggling with many personal issues the last year but lately, the main one has been alcohol, it’s been affecting my body in a very negative way to the point that when I came home after the EX DEO tour we just did , I tried to stop drinking for few days and it’s been very hard without having any with drawls symptoms, I’ve also lost a lot of weight as some of noticed recently and I’m not in good shape ..

I've heard the new material my brothers have written and its truely incredible stuff , it’s really some of the best music the band has ever done but It’s going to be a very demanding album and my state of mind and body is not ready to confront this big task right now , I need to clean my body and my mind and come back focused to Kataklysm and I don’t know how long this will take ... , the guys have reached out to help in anyway they can which I can’t thank them enough .. I’m truely blessed to have them as a family, so as I start my road to recovery I send this message to all of you and thank you for all the support, It’s time to take my life in my hands and take responsibility, I will not be
attending the JUNO AWARDS ceremony in two weeks for EX DEO nominations but i will close my contract with the shows in MAY that are left , EXTREMEFEST , BEASTIVAL in Germany and METALFEST CZECH REP. will be my last shows until I’m ready again to come back in full form, you guys deserve the best of me ...see you later" MAX

Die Veröffentlichung des neuen Albums “Waiting for the End to Come” ist für Ende 2013/Anfang 2014 geplant!

Für Mixing und Mastering hat die Band den viel gerühmten Produzenten Chris “Zeuss” Harris (HATEBREED, SUFFOCATION, CHIMAIRA, ALL THAT REMAINS) angeheuert.

Wie zuvor bekanntgegeben, werden die Aufnahmen unter der Leitung des KATAKLYSM-Gitarristen und langjährigen Produzenten Jean-François Dagenais (MALEVOLENT CREATION, MISERY INDEX, DESPISED ICON, EX DEO) im Juni und Juli im JFD Studio Montreal sowie in Dallas stattfinden.

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