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ATER ERA - "Beneath Inanimate Grime" kommt am 20.Mai - vom 17.04.2013, 07:00

Kategorie: Musik

 ATER ERA is an extreme metal band from Slovenia characterized by a primal black metal sound and an unusual tendency towards psychedelic and ambient interferences...!! Their second full length album soon to be available.

This new assault will be OUT May 20th on nice 3-panel-digipack format incl. 12-pages booklet, great artwork and an amazing production, lim. to 1000 copies.

Pre-orders are possible from now on! You only pay 11,00 EUR for the cd!! NO shipping costs, NO costs for packaging!! No matter whereto (worldwide!!) and only for your pre-order!!


1. Death of the Bell Ringer
2. Drifts of Dead Ground
3. My Beast My Age
4. Drowning in the Depths
5. To Shatter Limbs
6. Sors Est Quid Sumus
7. Tormented in Limbo
Total time: 57:55 min.

Official Sample-Track: https://soundcloud.com/pestilence-records/ater-era-beneath-inanimate

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