Musik - Statement von Alan Nemtheanga zum Tod von Selim Lemouchi
 Alan Nemtheanga von Primordial hat nun, nachdem sich die Aufregung wieder gelegt hat, ein Statement für seinen kürzlich gestorbenen Freund und Mastermind von THE DEVIL'S BLOOD, Selim Lemouchi, abgegeben:

» For Selim I wrote this a couple of days after Selim died but decided to wait until the dust had settled, until people had grieved and the sadness had ceased and what I find is I am left with beautiful memories and music. I was djing soon after and opened with all of 'Come Reap' and just stood there smiling to myself and sifting through the memories. This was written in grief but I post it in joy at the time I spent with a friend and for the music and memories we have left!
Sometimes you hear enough about a person from close friends you feel you know them before you have even met. You can feel the warmth in their second hand stories that you almost feel like you were there. I'd heard so much about the man it was a given he was going to become a brother from another mother as we say.

The first time we met he strode, and he always strode as if he owned the place up to me in a crowded room looked me right in the eye and a firm handshake ; “You must be Alan....I've heard a lot about you....” and smiled, “Same for me” and we both exchanged mischievous grins. It's hard to explain when you have instant chemistry with another person, he put his arm around my shoulders and we went to the bar. This was the start of many adventures.

Selim was a force of nature, part Loki like raconteur, part towering general within his band, musically on a par with the best I've ever seen or worked with and then some. He could turn a party on it's head with a practical joke, have an entire room in convulsions of laughter, could make you re-evaluate a long held opinion with an angle you'd never thought of before. He never suffered fools in a way that was inspiring and in turns frightening but all you could do was respect such conviction. Gregarious and generous we could pick up the strain of conversations that were left hanging from months before. One of my last memories is of us dancing to 80s pop music like lunatics drinks aloft in some dive bar surrounded by civilians. He didn't give a fuck about the things we shouldn't care about and for the record was a much better dancer than me. I knew he would be...

I saw the shadow over him the last while as I've seen it over many people and at times seen it in the mirror myself, I never thought it would come to this though but it has come to pass. A kindred spirit has died and it is a true tragedy and waste of talent and life but maybe he has found some peace now. Please don't project your views of martyrdom on him, he would not want that. Listen to his legacy, read his words and live with and through him like that, if you knew him well then you are as broken as I am, I lost a friend and as I said a brother from another mother but some have lost a son and brother. Respect that. We will miss you Selim. «
UnDerTaker am 21.03.2014, 18:25