Musik - STORMRULER veröffentlichen zweite Single "Internal Fulmination Of The Grand Deceivers"! |
Die aus St. Louis stammenden Black Metaller STORMRULER haben die zweite Single "Internal Fulmination Of The Grand Deceivers" von ihrem neuen Album Sacred Rites & Black Magick veröffentlicht. Das neue Album erscheint am 14.Oktober. Man darf gespannt sein, wie der Nachfolger zum fetten Debut Under A Burning Eclipse einschlagen wird. Hört euch den neuen Song HIER an! STORMRULER says about "Internal Fulmination Of The Grand Deceivers": "Fulmination was chosen both as our next single and as the album's opener for the attention that it demands and the journey upon which it will take the listener. It has a commanding delivery carried triumphantly by its soaring leads, stoic howling vocals and ice cold trem. An embodiment of what we consider to be true imperial black metal warfare." |
Exorzist am 22.09.2022, 18:43 |