Musik - BRUTAL TRUTH: Arbeiten an neuen Material
Die wiedervereinte Grindcore Combo BRUTAL TRUTH hat begonnen Material für ein neues Album zu schreiben. Die Truppe hat bisher 6 Songs geschrieben, dabei soll einer schneller und brutaler sein als der andere.
Hier eine Nachricht von BRUTAL TRUTH’s Danny Lilker:
» We have 6 new songs in varying stages of evolution that are shaping up to be some of the most intense shit we've ever written. After 8 years it feels damn good to write some really psychotic grind, and we've jumped right into the deep end of the pool. Stylistically it seems to pick up where Sounds of the Animal Kingdom left off with the main difference being we're also incorporating some of the old school type riffing from Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses but at a much faster tempo. We'll keep you posted as things develop! «
UnDerTaker am 07.09.2007, 06:24