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Mystifier veröffentlichen Alben auf Greyhaze Records

- vom 02.07.2013, 06:44
Kategorie: Musik

 Greyhaze Records werden die ersten beiden Alben der Brasilianischen Kult Black Metal Band MYSTIFIER neu veröffentlichen, die beiden Alben Wicca und Goetia werden als CD und Vinyl neu aufgelegt.

The agreement will involve the repressing of two classic albums by this cult band. The albums in question are Wicca (1992) and Goetia (1993). Long out of print, both albums will be reissued by Greyhaze in different formats, including deluxe CD/DVD digipaks of each album as well as deluxe vinyl versions. The releases will feature rare photos, bonus audio tracks, videos and other band information.

The first release of the MYSTIFIER reissue series will be a CD/DVD digipak version of the album Wicca. The audio portion of this release will feature, aside from the full album, bonus tracks exclusive to the Greyhaze Records reissue. The DVD will contain two full concerts by the band - one filmed in Germany during the Nuclear War Now Festival and the other in their hometown of Salvador, Brazil. A vinyl version of the album is also to follow. Release dates are scheduled for 2013 and will be announced shortly.

Says MYSTIFIER guitarist/vocalistArmando Beelzebubth:

"We are proud to license our first two albums to Greyhaze Records. Thanks to the support from the international underground, those two albums have become true hallmarks of Black Metal worldwide."