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- vom 05.10.2013, 06:48
Kategorie: Musik

 Das neue YEAR OF NO LIGHT Album "Tocsin" wird Ende November über Debemur Morti Productions veröffentlicht. Den neuen Song "Tocsin" könnt ihr euch HIER anhören !

The artwork and full tracklisting of YEAR OF NO LIGHT’s upcoming third opus, "Tocsin", are now revealed.

On this outstanding new offering, the band continues to explore the boundless possibilities of its unique instrumental / transcendental expression of sound. Extremely heavy, stellar, and epic, "Tocsin" is an unforgettable journey beyond the laws of Post-Metal, Doom Metal and hypnotic musical forms.

The stunning visual art was realized by Simon Fowler from Cataract Operation (WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, SUNN O))), EARTH).

Tracklisting is as follows :
1. Tocsin, 2. Géhenne, 3. Désolation, 4. Stella Rectrix, 5. Alamüt

This highly anticipated new album will be available by the end of November via Debemur Morti Productions.