CD Review zu old school Death / Thrash Metal aus Australien
» Für dieses Review haben wir unseren Freund Cristhyano, gebürtiger Brasilianer, von den Londoner old school Deathern DECREPID als Gastschreiber gewinnen können. Also lest hier wie das Album in England/Brasilien aufgenommen wird…
So after 28 years of his 80s cult debut album release and 21 years after his less significant second effort, Peter Hobbs has, once again, raised from the dead as the Australian warrior beast that he is. Among so many periods of hiatus, one can't help being curious to know how Hobbs would sound like so many years later after his 80s debut album, heavily inspired by Slayer and under his flag of "Virgin Metal" as Hobbs defined how his style of music was.
Entitled HEAVEN BLED and released by Hell's Headbangers, the third album starts sounding not much as a classic Thrash album as expected, but a lot heavier blast beats...«
Hobbs' Angel of Death - Heaven Bled // 8 von 10 Punkte // Death / Thrash Metal