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HOLYCIDE zeigen Coverartwork vom kommenden Album

- vom 05.09.2016, 07:01
Kategorie: Musik

 HOLYCIDE (mit Dave Rotten von AVULSED als Sänger) haben das Coverartwork zum kommenden Album "Annihilate... Then Ask!" veröffentlicht. Das Album soll im Januar 2017 via Xtreem Music erscheinen.

Das Artwork zu "Annihilate… Then Ask!” stammt von Andrei Bouzikov (MUNICIPAL WASTE, TOXIC HOLOCAUST, SKELETONWITCH…).

Das sagt die Band zum Album: "We were in doubt between an abstract, transcendental, modern and post-whatever artwork to demonstrate we're so fucking mature, but in the end our natural born stupidity and lack of originality prevailed and since we're a Thrash band without modern bullshit, we decided to go for a cover that's total fucking 80's Thrasher as hell!! ...whattafuck!! Regarding the music, we can assure it's way superior than our previous EP, a fucking killer album!".