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VANTAVOID zeigen Debütsingle “OUTCAST”

- vom 07.07.2020, 12:59
Kategorie: Musik

 Die Metaller VantaVoid, bestehend aus Frank Gioia (CrankThatFrank) und Tyler Young (Makeout), haben ihre erste Single “Outcast” veröffentlicht. Das ist das erste Mal das das Duo etwas unter dem Namen VantaVoid veröffentlicht, vorher hat man schon zusammen an dem CrankThatFrank Track “Drowning” gearbeitet.

“The release of ‘Drowning’ went better than we ever could have imagined,” sagt Tyler. “After a release like that, we knew we had to keep making songs.”

“Drowning” war die #1 der iTunes Metalcharts und die beiden spürten das sie etwas Besonderes erschaffen hatten. Unter dem Namen VantaVoid begann man an neuem Material zu arbeiten.

Frank erläutert die neue Single: “Outcast is a song about a time in my life where I completely isolated myself from society. I was nihilistic, addicted, and trapped in my own hell. This song is cathartic for me because writing it made me feel like I buried a version of myself that I loathe. The lyrics sound like I’m talking about someone else, but I’m really just screaming at myself. I wrote the lyrics that way to tap into the gut-wrenching feelings we all get whether it be from a sour relationship, substance, or traumatic life experiences. I think it’s important to let songs have their own meaning for you.”

Frank weiter zu den Aufnahmen: “We recorded a batch of songs that we plan to release in the coming months. All of these songs were recorded by Tyler in his apartment in LA and honestly, it’s a miracle he didn’t get an eviction notice. We were fortunate enough to have Drew Fulk (WZRD BLD) mix & master our tracks and he really dialed these songs up. The tracks are raw, visceral, and heavy.”

VantaVoid - Outcast (Official Lyric Video)