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IRON FLESH - Neues Album 'Limb After Limb'

- vom 01.10.2022, 19:57
Kategorie: Musik

 Die französischen Deather Metaller IRON FLESH verkünden den Release ihres dritten Album "Limb After Limb". Das neue Album erscheint am 4.November 2022 über War Anthem Records.

Das Lyricvideo zum Song "To Become One With The Dead" könnt ihr euch HIER anschauen.

IRON FLESH combine amazingly varied songwriting and eerie melodies with a massive, heavy wall of sound. "Limb After Limb" keeps the band’s 90s Swedish old school roots alive but also incorporates some new influences which are giving them a more own caracter. Expect their best effort to date!


01. Overthrow ov The Sermon ov God
02. Cursed Within
03. In Agony You Must Reborn
04. Limb After Limb
05. Blessed Be The Creators
06. Sacrorum Profanationem
07. Honor In Death
08. To Become One With The Dead
09. As Ghouls March On
10. Procession of Living Cadavers