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Neues Album von Decapitated Christ

- vom 25.07.2023, 20:05
Kategorie: Musik

bildDie spanischen Old-School-Death-Metal-Typen DECAPITATED CHRIST sind mit einem neuen „Hammer-Smashed-Face“-Album namens „Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats“ wieder in Bestform am Start. Das 5.Album der Band ist zweifellos ihr bisher stärkstes, eingängigstes und brutalstes Werk. Sehr empfehlenswert für Fans von DEICIDE, AEON, VITAL REMAINS usw.

Hört euch die neue Single "Hunting Human Rats" Hier an!

'Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats' was recorded in Moontower Studios with Javi Bastard and was mastered by Dan Swanö. Coverartwork by César Valladares Fernández.

The CD bonus track was recorded with guest musicians from Revel In Flesh, Vader and Carnation.

'Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats' will be out 06.10.23, digital & CD by FDA Records. We also offer a bloodred colored vinyl version, limited to 100 copies. The rest of the vinyl edition will be handled by Defying Danger Records.

Track listing:
01. Grief And Sorrow
02. Hunting Human Rats
03. Abjuring The Holy Trinity
04. Inferi Ardentis Monarcha
05. Luciferi Imperator Omnipotens
06. Orients Princeps Belzebub
07. Assault On The Ravaged Wastelands
08. Massive Demonic Warfare
09. Infernal Red Machines
10. Luciferi Imperator Omnipotens (M.A.C.V. Version – CD Bonus Track)