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Reckless Manslaughter präsentieren ersten neuen Song

- vom 18.08.2024, 12:39
Kategorie: Musik

bildReckless Manslaughter stellen ihren ersten neuen Song "Retreat Into Nothingness" vom kommenden Album "Sinking Into Filth" vor! Das neue Album erscheint am 21.Oktober 2024.

Celebrate total profanation of entity with the first song "Retreat Into Nothingness" of our 4th Album "Sinking Into Filth" and enjoy the ride into the void.
Witness the absolute glorification of putridity and let's abjure all fleshly pain!

Hört euch hier den neuen Song an:

Behold the cover art that Lucas Korte drew for the upcoming Reckless Manslaughter's 4th album, Sinking into Filth, due out on October 21st via Memento Mori (CD) and Fucking Kill Records (LP).

Tracklist will be as follows:
1. Caverns of Perdition
2. Befouled Commandments
3. Awaiting My Demise
4. Retreat into Nothingness
5. Aktion 1005
6. Ruf der Leere
7. The Sacred Lie (*)
8. Risen from the Mass Grave
(*) Diabolical Imperium cover