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APEP präsentieren neuen Songs – Zweites Album „Before Whom Evil Trembles“ über War Anthem Records - vom 31.08.2024, 06:55

Kategorie: Musik

bildDie deutschen Death Metaller APEP haben einen zweiten Track von ihrem neuen Album „Before Whom Evil Trembles“ enthüllt, das am 13. September 2024 über War Anthem Records auf CD, LP, MC und in digitalen Formaten erscheint.

Check den neuen Song "The Pillars of Betrayal" hier:

Founded in 2016, APEP deliver technical yet undeniably catchy Death Metal tunes. Thematically based in Egyptian mythology and Lovecraftism, their sophomore full-length "Before Whom Evil Trembles" persuades with hammering drums, cutting guitars and multifaceted vocals. It features a cover artwork by renowned Italian artist Paolo Girardi and was mixed and mastered by Christoph Brandes at Iguana Studios.

This is a must-have for fans of Nile, Immolation and Vital Remains!

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