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Neuauflage vom MY OWN GRAVE Debut Album "Unleash"

- vom 25.10.2009, 06:00
Kategorie: Musik

My Own Grave welche gerade erst ihr neues Album "Necrology" veröffentlicht haben, werden ihr Debut Album "Unleash" als Neuauflage auf den Markt bringen.

The debut album from Swedish Death Metallers MY OWN GRAVE, entitled “Unleash”, will be re-issued and an official street release date will be announced soon.
The extended version of “Unleash” will be bundled with the “Progression Through Deterioration 2004 Demo” and also with two extra cover songs (“Orthodox” from Krabathor and “War Ensemble” from Slayer).
The re-mastering duties were handled by legendary multi-instrumentalist / engineering wizard Dan Swanö (Dissection, Marduk, Opeth, Bloodbath, etc) and on top of that, the artwork and layout for “Unleash” have also been altered and revamped, giving the re-issue version a brand new lease of life.


1) Unleash
2) From The Ashes
3) Into Pieces
4) Spread The Plague
5) Where Carnage Reigns
6) Backdraft (Drowning In Fire)
7) Sheltered By Inferno
8) Soulstorm
9) Heathen Divinity
10) The Beyond
11) Theme For The Dead
12) Strangled By Life

Bonus Tracks:
13) Orthodox (Krabathor cover song)
14) War Ensemble (Slayer cover song)
Progression Through Deterioration (Demo 2004):
15) From The Ashes
16) Sheltered By Inferno
17) The Beyond
18) Theme For The Dead
19) Alcoholocaust