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Finally release of "World Destruction"

- vom 16.02.2010, 06:22
Kategorie: Musik

 Die Black/Death Formation Trident veröffentlicht nun endlich Ihr Erstlingswerk über Regain Records und gaben folgende News zum Album bekannt:
We will finally release our debutalbum "World Destruction", which will be released in 22:th of March via Regain Records. We have 3 new songs on our myspace from the upcoming album "Slaves to Anguish", "World Destruction" and "Jaws of Satan". The CD was recorded at Sonic Train Studios in Varberg, Sweden and features the following track listing:

01. The Trident
02. Jaws of Satan (Spawns of hell)
03. Nemesis
04. Black Velvet Wings
05. Stockholm Bloodbath
06. Luciferian Call
07. Blackened Souls
08. Slaves to Anguish
09. World Destruction
10. Mephisto

Check out the cover artwork below.

The band's current lineup is as follows:

Alex - Bass
Johan - Guitars
Tobias - Vocals
Jonas - Drums
Ewo - Lead Guitars

Engineers on this album was Andy La rouqe (King Diamond) and Nico Elgstrand (Entombed)

- We are very proud to say that we have worked with Marcelo Vasco (Brazil) on this album. He has made the complete artwork for the booklet.. /Alex

Up the Trident! 666
